Buyers and sellers CAN be friends after the deal!

You can create an atmosphere of collaboration with your clients.

My goal in any transaction is that everyone feels like they have won at the end of the negotiation. While it doesn’t happen every time, more times than not our clients are amicable when they meet at the closing table.

walters and loiselle

Why is this important?  Here are a few reasons you’ll want your clients to “get along”.

1- Sellers may “leave” items at the home by mistake.  If it’s something of meaning, it is much easier to ask the happy buyers if they can retrieve the item.

2- Buyers may “find” switches or buttons and have no idea what they are used for.  If there is not a relationship with the seller, they may never know the use for that switch.

3- If the sellers mail is still coming to their previous address, a happy buyer will gladly forward the mail to the seller.

4- It can go both ways, but happy buyers and sellers do not trash talk about the deal with their neighbors.

5- Sellers who move out of town and come back, may invite the buyers + the listing and selling agent to dinner.  This is when you know it was a special deal!

And it can happen!  We enjoyed a special dinner with recent buyers, sellers, agents and spouses.  As an agent and representative of this most important transaction, it is satisfying and humbling to know we did our job!

Contact me if you are interested in buying or selling!

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